Illyakhova M. V. Gist and specificity of creative activity in continuing education

The article deals with the gist and specificity of creative activity in continuing education, which manifests itself as a kind of permanent and effective methodology of harmonization of human life not only in stable, but also in the changing conditions of social life. Indicated that artistry is uncontrolled spontaneity, while creativityis productive imagination. In this sense, creativity differs fromartistry as the generation of new knowledge because of its ability to use existing, relevant properties,rapport, relationships. Creativity involves creating and designing relations of existing elements.

Determined that creative activities meansorganize life as a transition from one phase of harmonious living situation to another, forming a coherent environment, the harmony between «I» and its actions, intentions and capabilities. Creative activities are an opportunity to grip possibilities, creating uncertainty situations and turning them into one of the alternatives to the desired future. It is noted that the emergence of a new possible only where there are great opportunities and freedom of choice.

It is proved that andragogics in general aims at establishing and developing the whole person for whom creative attitude to the environment and their own professional activity is anature component. At the present stage of education andragogics should ensure effective formation and development of creativity and innovative thinking adult.

Сharacterizedthe perspective of synergistic approach to solving major problems andragogics as the science of adult education. Applying the principles of synergy will provide updates as andragogical education and will prepare socially active and creative professionals capable of self-improvement, self-determination, self-actualization.