Kovalchuk I. M. Essence and contents of professionally significant qualities of a teacher of technology

It was found out and substantiated that professional qualities needed by a modern teacher of technology are as follows: culture of professional self-consciousness, technological culture, communicative culture and creative culture.

The essence, contents and functions of each of these professionally significant qualities were revealed. It was stressed that each of the above qualities has a complex integrative structure. Connection of notions of «culture» and «teacher’s professional self-consciousness» was shown. It was found out that culture of professional self-consciousness is the leading factor for developing professionally significant qualities.

Contents of culture of professional self-consciousness are considered as a system of psychic integrative qualities which secure conscious acquiring of methods of professional self-perfection and experience of harmonious interaction of the agent with the dynamic cultural and technological environment for successful solvation of educational problems in technological disciplines.

It was stressed that communicative culture of a teacher of technology has specific features, it is important in terms of interactive project- and technology- based approach to teaching. Importance of creative culture of a teacher of technology is based on self-organizing activity meeting one’s needs in creative development and self-development and making a person ready for innovative professional activity, adding his/her «authorship» to it.

It was found out that professionally significant qualities of a harmonious and integral teacher of technology should be considered together with three main components of human existence, namely, natural, social and spiritual qualities. It was pointed out that these systems do not blend with each other through connective elements of teacher’s interaction with cultural and technological environment, namely, «nature – «bio», «society – «social medium», «mind – consciousness – «spirit», but each of them can get richer, staying open and integral.

Systematized interaction of a teacher of technology with cultural and technological environment serves as a benchmark for cognition of the phenomenon under research and demonstrates opportunities for creating new connections and potential professionally significant qualities. The next steps for building the development model of professionally significant qualities of a teacher of technology are definition of criteria and levels, and development of professionally significant qualities of a teacher of technology in postgraduate education.