Lyahotskiy V.P. Postgraduate education: searching for the latest technologies

The report deals with a question, actual for modern development of postgraduate pedagogic education — its human resources training and retraining, necessity to establish a scientific rationale of reasonability and principles of creation and recruitment of corresponding academic institutions, subdivisions, as well as providing an optimum system of staff recruitment, its training and professionalization, rational use of human resources, organization of proper creative environment to provide achievement of its highest efficiency factor, ability to answer challenges in proper time, to predict future processes, to generate innovative ideas, to produce new knowledge, that would give society corresponding technologies for its future civilization development and harmonization.

Questions of forming of a continuous staff self-improvement system, support and further stimulation of the level of its motivation and mobilization to daily obtaining of results of professional activity are noted to be of great importance.

Only this approach is underlined to make possible carrying out a strategic task of a state educational policy — that is education received in Ukraine having access to the world market of educational services, deepening of international integration of educational cooperation, extension of participation of native educational institutions in European and world educational organizations and communities.

It has given the grounds for necessity of integration of Ukrainian education to international educational field, realizing it basing on priority of national interests, conservation of conditions of the development of nation’s intellectual potential, tolerance, systemacity and mutual benefit, objectivity in assessment of educational system’s achievements during the adaptation — gradualness.

The report describes peculiarities of professional requirements of scientific-pedagogical staff of postgraduate pedagogic education that is to solve a problem of improvement of quality education that should be in accordance with organization and substantive bases of improvement its level of professionalism, improvement of quality of corporate education and culture.