Sayuk V.I. Organizational and pedagogical conditions shaping the content of training of the teaching staff in the system of postgraduate education

The article deals with the problem of shaping the content of training of the teaching staff at post-graduate. Indicates that the training of the teaching staff should be carried out in the context of the tasks of the European Research Area and national qualifications frameworks.

Stressed for training of the teaching staff in the system of postgraduate education all conditions.

Determined that the content of research training should combine theoretical training with practical activities and scientific research. It is proved that for the development of educational content and technology training of the teaching staff in the system of postgraduate education, it is necessary to distinguish organizational and the pedagogical conditions.

It was found that organizational and pedagogical conditions - the conditions that contribute to quality training of the teaching staff to conduct effective research and effective professional activity.

Scientifically substantiated and described the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the content of preparation of the teaching staff at post-graduate: diversification curriculum content of training of the teaching staff , the differentiation of forms of training of the teaching staff , the use of technology  coaching, the development of academic schools and creative research teams , the mobility of the future scientific staff as a tool to enhance quality research, continuous education of the teaching staff.

Accounting for these organizational and pedagogical conditions will contribute to a more effective formation content of the training of the teaching staff in the system of postgraduate education.

Suggested further research directed to the development and implementation of the model content of the training of the teaching staff in postgraduate education.