ISSUES 5(34) 2017

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Iryna Androshchuk. Modern requirements to the teachers of the management departments of higher education in the Republic of Poland

Oksana Dubinina. Criteria and indicators of definition of teachers 'readiness to education to internet-technology application in professional activity

Svitlana Zaslavska. The main directions of forming the reader's readiness for the innovative activity of vocational education institutions cation in professional activity

Lyudmila Kashuba. The maintenance of vocational training of students of faculty of pedagogical education in a context of a competence aspect essional activity

Anastasiia Lavrynets. The modern state of vocal training of preparing the teacher of music in the pedagogical education

Natalya Mazhnyk. Methodology for studying the individual features of students in the educational process

Marina Musorina. Genesis of terminological apparatus problems of formation of basic competencies of future navigators

Nataliya Prykhodkina. Competence, competence, media competence: analysis of terminology

Anastasia Ratushynska. Preparing the future teacher of the primary school to work in the educational information environment

Valery Ruzhytsky. Development of artistic competences of future art teachers in pedagogical college conditions

Tatyana Stoychyk. Current challenges to quality of professional education in Ukraine

Olena Tymchenko. The use of technology «webquest» in organizing students' self-educational activity

Olena Tonne. Conditions of Organizing of Teachers’ Self-sustaining Cognitive Activity i n Professional Development Process

Vasyl’ Fedorets. Conceptualization of the anthropological model of health-preserving competence of the teacher of physical culture ional sector