Electronic SCIENTIFIC and PRACTICAL journal

The UDC 373/.378.013:316.422](082)(0.034.44)

Name of publication

"Scientific herald UEM. Series. Economics and Management: History, current situation and prospects"




Year of foundation: 

2015 (protocol № 7 the October 22, 2015)

The founder:

SHEI "University of Educational Management" of NAES of Ukraine

Branch of science:


About the edition

The publication highlights the topical issues of economic theory and the history of economic ideas; economics and management of enterprises; innovative and investment activities; information technologies in the economy; the contemporary management and other fields of economic science. 

The editorial board includes leading Ukrainian and foreign experts. The editorial board works systematically to improve the quality of relevant and timely information material that meets the requirements of professional and international publications.

Electronic scientific and practical journal "Scientific herald UEM. Series. Economics and Management" published 2 times in a year. Thanks to the scientific and creative co-operation with the International academy of social and economic sciences (Georgia), Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa (Poland) - scientific and practical materials published in a special edition.

Address of Editorial Office

04053 Kyiv Sichovykh Striltsiv, build 52-A, 1th corpus, 4th floor, room 207. 414 
Tel.: (044) 484--01-98 

Publication in electronic scientific-practical edition "Scientific herald UEM. Series. Economics and Management" meets the requirements of The Order of Ukraine from October 17. 2012 № 1112 ["On the Publication of the Results of Theses for the Degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences"]

Materials presented in the author's version. The opinions expressed in the publication belong authors exclusively.

All authors of published material are responsible for the selection and accuracy of facts, quotations, statistics and other information.